16 893 words: the final frontier

For those of you who have been following my blog, you know that I am currently doing the NaNoWriMo challenge.

They don’t call it a challenge for nothing, I am telling you. I am finding incredibly hard to keep up with the pace and reconciling a very busy work life.  It is pretty hectic!

Nonetheless, I have made the choice not to sacrifice my entire social life. Come on! I had to watch Dr Who’s 50th birthday episode. 😉

It was somewhat a mistake.  I also discovered on the late that doing word wars were a great way to make me write a substantial amount of words in 15 minutes. I will know this for next year. Lesson learnt!

I am lagging behind the recommended average but there are still a few days on, so I have never given up yet! The draft is very rough around the edges but I am quite pleased with quite a few of the chapters. Not everything will go to the trash when I review and edit myself in a couple of months.

More importantly,  this Nano has made me realise one big thing: I love writing. I love it far more than I have ever known. Somewhat, I have always known it deep down but I have never been honest enough with myself to admit it. Writing possesses me and I totally lose track of time when I write. I can start it is daytime and stop it is night time.

I have been very lucky to receive great moral support from friends and I am really delighted that a very talented illustrator has accepted to draw the cover of my book but this is a story for another time 😉